JIPMER is one among the very few institutions in the country which is providing teaching from undergraduate to superspeciality & sub-specialties, conducting path breaking research and providing specialty care of high order. The model of providing free specialty health care while maintaining quality and safety makes JIPMER a unique model in the country. JIPMER’s success in providing best treatment even to the least affordable in the society makes it a model of speciality care delivery of the future. JIPMER continues to rank among the top best five medical schools in the country. JIPMER is witnessing expansion in the form of new campuses like JIPMER Karaikkal, JIPMER outreach centre at Yanam apart from the soon to be commissioned screening OPD block and superspeciality extention block. Conceptual plans for Puducherry second campus for Institute of organ transplantation and Institute of advanced trauma and rehabilitation were initiated during this period.Jipmer Radio Tamil medical radio station online.Jipmer Radio is the1st health related radio sttion in Tamil.